Thursday, March 31, 2011

Gracey Is A Cutie Pie!

Hey everyone! It's CC, Kit Kat's BFF! I bet you all know Kit Kat's Cute cat, Gracey! Gracey is such a cute cat! I know that I haven't met the cat yet, but I'm just saying cuz' Kit Kat posted a look-alike pic of the cat. ;) Btw, here's some kitty treat for special GRACEY!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Okay so down stairs of my apartment there's 7 cats all white & orange BUT..... there's 1 black cat,
how do u think the black cat feels???? 


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cute Cat Pics!

Awww.. The kitty found a plush friend!

Look at the kitty's cute BIG eyes! It's so CUTE!

Sleeping kitty cat! It's so cuddly and sweet!

5 cute kitties, 3 black and 2 orange ones. ;)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Hey Peeps!

Hey peeps! Plz follow this blog!!!! Plz do! I will pay u $5.oo!!!